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Digital Content Studios

Papaya was charged with developing every facet of a new digital content studio for Eurosport Digital

  • Built the overarching framework for the new division

  • Set the local and pan-regional strategy

  • Structured and budgeted the slate of original programming 

  • Collaborated with senior leaders across Eurosport (CEO) and Discovery (President of Digital) to enact and roll-out across organisation

  • CEO was asked to serve as interim MD/Head of Programming overseeing all premium original content destined for D2C OTT player

  • Papaya also had full creative oversight of the brand identity and the overarching look and feel for the division

Highlights Across Europe

Discovery Nordics: Football Central

With the launch of Eurosport's D2C OTT product in Nordics and with an unmatched portfolio of football rights we designed a second screen Live-Spectacle showcasing the highlights from every corner of the European world in real time. 


“Freemium” product that showcased the offering behind pay-wall.

Eurosport UK: The Five

  • A John Oliver like approach to Sports (blend comedy and important topics)

  • Engineered to work in both linear and digital on-demand and structured for segments to live independently, across all digital touch points. 

  • Thematically, content has no expiration date, continuing to thrive and expand digitally across SoMe for weeks, if not months.
